Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Jr. Toddler Room - Progress Report

Now that Claire is the big "2", she'll be transitioning to the Sr. Toddler Room over the next few days. She received a progress report from the Jr. Toddler Room and this is what it said:

Overall Summary: In the last few months Claire's skills have increased in all areas of development. In the Language area, Claire is able to express her needs and wants, tell her friends what she likes and dislikes. Claire enjoys engaging in conversations with her peers (especially with Adam). They talk to each other and make each other laugh. Claire is talking in 3-4 word sentences, asking and answering questions. Her receptive language skills have also improved even though at times she prefers to ignore some directions, i.e. tidy up time, it's time to change your diaper. In the self-help area, Claire is very independent, eats on her own using a fork and a cup without a lid. She can take off her shoes most of the time but occasionally requires teachers assistance. She puts her hat on and takes if off, washes her hands with soap and water and dries them using a paper towel. In the cognitive area, Claire is able to put puzzles together, put the correct shape into the shape sorter toy, pegs on a peg board and builds towers with Lego blocks. In the fine motor area, Claire scribbles and attempts to make a circle using markers, crayons and chalk. She manipulates utensils well and holds a cup with one or two hands to drink from it. In the gross motor area, Claire can jump with two feet, run, go up and down stairs holding the rail or a teacher's hand. Claire can squat to pick up a toy as well as play in squat position. Claire can count 1-5, recongizes some of her colours - blue, red, yellow and green - and loves sensory and creative activities as well as dance and listening to music and stories.

1. We will keep on working with Claire on her sitting and eating habits at meal times, by constantly reminding her to sit on her bottom and that her legs go under the table and not on the table and to use her utensils instead of her hands. Also by reading books or singing "this is the way we eat or sit at lunch time".
2. To further enhance Claire's recognition of her colours and shapes, we will continue to use flash cards, books, shape sorter toys and objects around her environment.
3. Claire will be introduced to a variety of more challenging activities in the Senior Toddler room, which will enhance her development.

It was fun to have Claire in the Junior Toddler room. She will be missed.

Well after I read this, I was so shocked! Not because I disagreed with what they said, but that they described her down to a T! Including the feet on the table at meal times and how she chooses to ignore some directions if she feels like it. It was so funny to read this!

Great job Claire!

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