Sunday, January 29, 2012

15 Month Milestone

Our little angel turned 15 months old today!  Jacob is such a sweet boy.  No one is able to resist his cuteness!  He is honestly a celebrity at daycare.  Everyone knows his story and loves to watch him grow and thrive.  He is so affectionate and loves giving hugs to everyone.  All the kids at the daycare love him too.  Claire is so proud to say that's her little brother.  Here is his latest photo:

Some other cute pictures.  He does not like to sit still!

Getting ready to give Teddy a big hug.

With proud big sister Claire.

Look at these 2 adorable kids!  They are both getting so big!

Here they are 7 months earlier.  WOW!

Claire has really matured as well.  Or maybe it's the long locks?

Being a big sister means giving everything to your cute little brother when he wants it.

How can you say no to him?

Another cute picture of the siblings.

Now that Jacob's walking, he is all over the place.  He loves to climb and jump.  He's a typical boy this way.

His most favourite thing to do is look at books.  Whenever he is quiet, you know he is in a corner somewhere looking at the books.  It's great!  In fact, "book" is the only word that he can say clearly.

And the slideshow of months past:

Big Girl

Some more pictures of the big girl!

Playing the drums.

 Getting comfy on the ottomans.

 We could never get her to smile before. Now it's so natural.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Little Eskimos

It's never too late to put away your outdoor play furniture...haha!  While we worked the kids had fun in the snow.  How adorable is Jacob in a snow suit?  I mean seriously, he looks like an eskimo!

This was his first time out with snow on the ground so he was a little hesitant and just stood and stared.  Or perhaps the snow suit was weighing him down and he couldn't walk, haha!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Little bit of a panic attack

My obsession with my teeth now is crazy.  I was brushing after I had my lunch at work and the mini brush they gave me got stuck between my braces near my 2 front teeth!!  (The little one that looks like a mascara brush.)  I started panicking, what was I supposed to do?  I took a few deep breaths and calmly wiggled it back and forth...and then.....ah, I got it out!  Man, if I had to walk back to my desk with this thing in my mouth....

Note to self - do not use the mini brush anymore!

Monday, January 16, 2012

All floss is not created equally

This is what I have learned in the past 3 days.  After my little incident I tried some new floss - Satin floss by Oral B - and I gotta ROCKS.  So much better than the GUM brand.  I am in love with it!  I know, my life's pretty lame that I am professing my love of dental floss.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's only been 2 days...

And I've already popped one of the metal wire ties on my braces.  My dental floss got caught in it and I yanked too much.  Didn't hurt but was super annoying.  I still had some of the dental glue between my teeth and I was obsessed with getting it out because I didn't want my next cleaning to be a blood bath when they floss my teeth, so the sooner I removed it, the less painful that appointment should be.  Hey, if anyone is going to inflict pain on me, I'd rather it be me!  Anyway, I finally got it all out, but at the expense of popping a wire.  Oh, all I want to do is brush and floss, brush and floss, brush and floss....

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fab at 40

So this is really what the whole braces thingy is about....Fabulous at 40.  This is my goal.  I am DONE with having babies so now it's time to start taking care of Mommy.  I figure my braces will help me with 1) perfecting my smile and 2) losing some weight!  I mean, as a Mommy of 3, it's all about efficiency and saving time!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th

This is how I celebrated Friday the 13th....I got braces!!!  My dentist is proud of me for getting them at my age.  I figure time will fly by so no biggie!  I was suprised at how much it actually didn't hurt to get them on.  And they look pretty good, for braces.  I have the clear brackets and you can hardly tell unless you are in my "personal space" and you are blatantly looking for them.  Well, I guess you can hear them too since I am talking a bit differently.  Anyway, so far I'm feeling good.  I am obsessed with brushing and flossing!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Fearless Climber

This is a little ridiculous.  It was only 2 days ago that I posted how well Jacob was walking and now 2 days later, he is absolutely fearless.  Not only is he walking, he is climbing on top of things.  I was working in the office and when I looked up Jacob was staring me straight in the face.  He had climbed up onto the little table all by himself.  He also likes to climb the little arm chair.  This kid is fearless!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Walking even better

It was a week ago that he started taking his first steps.  And look how he's walking now!