Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

New Year's can make you pretty giddy.  I don't know what my kids were hopped up on.  The boys were wrestling.

 And Claire - I have no idea what she was trying to do?

Countdown at 8pm....Happy New Year!

Our New Year's resolutions:

Daddy and Isaac had none but these were mine for the 3 of us:  We will all get back on track - with chores and keeping house!

Claire will not wet or will be out of her pull-ups at bed time.

Jacob will walk!  And he did.....

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Family Picture

The daycare has been on our case about bringing in a family picture for Jacob's classroom.  We finally got one over the holidays.  It's too bad Jacob didn't smile but for once Claire actually is!  Oh well, this is good enough.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Bye, Bye, Christmas Tree

Christmas didn't last long at our place.  We had our tree and decorations put away the very next day.  We had no choice!  We needed the space.  I'm not so sure our Christmas lights will make it down that quickly.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning - Presents!

Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree.....oh how we need our space back!

Stockings and gifts from Santa.

 Santa's letter to the kids on top of an empty plate of goodies.

 The little piano we got Jacob - this turned out to be the gift all 3 kids liked the most!

 The oh-so-over-the-top-unneccessary-two-sided-doll-house that Mommy - I mean Claire! - wanted.  :)

 Stocking time!

Grandma helping Jacob with his stocking.  This is technically his first time given last year he was a pea in a pod!

 Claire is a pro at this.  Man, I look sooo tired!

 What Santa brought Claire - Snow white and the Prince dolls and accessories - yay!

 Santa brought Jacob some walking penguin friends.  He thought they were interesting.

 Santa brought Isaac a model car to add to his collection.

 Grandma got a digital coin piggy bank and lottery tickets.  Hopefully those tickets are good ones!

 Isaac posing with his Thor and Green Latern movies.  BTW, the THOR movie was AWESOME!

 Jacob testing out his piano, BANG, BANG, BANG.  We may regret this. 

 A picture of the chaos....we need a bigger house.  These toys have taken over!

 The happy family...Jacob and Claire want to play with their toys.

Christmas Morning - Santa's Letter

Ho, Ho, Ho!!!  Merry Christmas!

What wonderful children you are.

Isaac - you are a big boy now but I always look forward to giving you something special.  You are very good to your brother and sister.  Keep it up!

Claire - you are a beautiful little girl full of personality.  Be good to your parents, especially Daddy, and always eat your vegetables.

Jacob - you are such a pleasure to watch grow up.  You deserve the best in life.  Keep smiling and maybe try to walk soon. I know you will love it.

All the best in the New Year.

Santa and the reindeer

Thanks for the treats!

Christmas Morning - The doll house revealed

This year we got Claire a doll house for Christmas.  I was expecting a little more enthusiasm from her.   Take a look for yourself.

I think at her age it's the paper tearing that builds up the surprise...but how on earth was I supposed to wrap that???  Yes, I know what you're thinking - it's a little big.  You even heard Claire say it.  I don't know what I was thinking.  I should have picked out the one-sided doll house.  Well, Jacob will have fun playing with her!  Yes, my son can play with dolls.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Jacob in festive christmas pj`s.

 Claire enjoying her cookies.

 Isaac in a state of christmas cookie bliss.

How cute is this kid? Look at those teeth!

Santa cannot deny these kids any gifts.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Hi Mommy!

What did you put on my head?

Yep, there is definitely something on there.

I don`t like it, get it off!

Why do you do this to me Mommy?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Card Outakes

It was hard keeping the little guy still!

Final versions coming to your mailbox soon.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bottoms Up!

Look who`s holding their own bottle!  Yippee!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Matching PJs


Daycare holiday party

Santa came to visit the daycare today.  I got there just in time to see Claire on his lap.

Jacob did not do as well as his sister.  It was sheer horror.

It was painful for all.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Jacob and the Tree

When Jacob woke up from nap he was delighted to see the christmas tree.

He loves to look at his reflection in the ornaments.

Decorating the Tree

Claire went solo this year and decorated the kids tree all by herself.

She did a great job placing all the ornaments.

Next time Jacob has to help Mommy!

The new easy-bake oven

Claire got an early xmas gift from Dave & Rosanna.  It was an easy-bake microwave oven and she was more than excited to try it out.

She decided on making pink shortbread cookies.  Here she is rolling the dough.

Waiting in anticipaiton while they bake in the microwave.

The finished product.

Oh, tasty, yes!