Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Perfect Smile

It all starts with clean teeth!

We love to brush our teeth!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Picture with Santa

We went to the mall today and got a picture with Santa.  It was totally unplanned (as you can see from their clothes) and I can't believe Claire agreed to doing it.  I thought for sure she would put up a fight.  Jacob didn't cry at all either and he went happily.  Although he's not smiling, look at how super cute he looks!  OMG - I want to squeeze those cheeks and tummy.  His belly compete's with Santa's.  And Claire, oh Claire, showing off like a pro.  How adorable!

We are so looking forward to the holidays!!!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Spooky PJs

It doesn't have to be Halloween to wear spooky PJs!  Here are our cute little ghouls.

Ta-dah!  Here we are!  We glow in the dark too.

Jacob loves to climb the furniture.

Claire's scary face.  Ahhh!!!

I'm gonna get ya!

Even spooky ghouls love to read!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

One Year Ago

It's hard to believe that on this day last year our little baby Jacob was at Sick Kids fighting for his life.  I remember sitting in the back of the ambulance watching my fragile 3 week old baby trying to catch his breath, slowing inhaling and exhaling.  Jacob was diagnosed wtih Transposition of the Greater Arteries and required emergency open heart surgery.  You see it in the movies, you hear about it on the news, you hear other people tell their stories, but you never think that it's going to be your baby.  Your mind starts to race and think....what if, what if, what if.  It's hard to look back at the pictures and see what he went through.

But here we are today.  He's healthy.  He's happy.  And he's here with us where he belongs.  The missing puzzle piece that completes our family.  We have a lot of people to thank for that.  And we will be forever eternally grateful.  To all our angels on earth and in heaven, god bless you.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Got You Daddy

Trying to get video of Jacob standing on his own.  Ofcourse he was doing it and I turned the camera on and he stopped.  Anyway, here's some funny footage of him clobbering Daddy.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Standing and Cruising

Jacob is getting more comfortable with standing on his own and cruising around the furniture.  He will stand on his own for a few minutes and giggle with excitment before he loses his balance and falls to his bum.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

So Corny

What is it with my kids and sticking corn up their nose??

We were having a nice Sunday dinner when all of sudden Isaac was laughing hysterically and so was Claire.  Suddenly her laughter turned into a high pitched shriek.  I turned and discovered that she had shoved a corn kernel up her nose.  She was trying to pick it out but ended just pushing it right up her nose.  There was no way I could get it out.  We calmed her down and thought maybe with a hot bath it would loosen and fall out.  We tried getting her to blow it out, but she still doesn't know how to blow her nose and just kept inhaling it in further.  So after bath, no luck, it was still in there good.  I thought how on earth is she going to sleep tonight (me included!) knowing this thing was stuck in her nose.  So Anthony decided to look online and someone posted we should try the nose sucker....which totally made sense!  So we got it out and......ta-dah!  Sucked it right out of there!  She was so ecstatic she started laughing and started sniffing it back up there!  It's safe to say that she has learned her lesson and she will not do it again.

Isaac did the exact same thing when he was about her age.  But I got to him in time before he stuck his finger in his nose.  I remember being on the line with tele-health and they were like, it's not a big deal.  Kids eat dirt.  It won't hurt them.

Boy in Blue

Getting ready to go outside and play in the trampoline.