Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Holidays are always fun with the kids in the house.  Claire woke up in such a great mood.  She ran in the kitchen and yelled Happy Easter!  Here she is posing with her Easter gift and bunny ears.

Cutie Jacob in his bunny ears.

Our two little bunnies.  They should wear these head bands every day.

I also got Claire some jewellery because every girl deserves some bling bling on any type of holiday, lol.  I got her an Easter necklace shaped like an "Easter Egg" (really more like a tear drop, but it works!).

A closer look.

She also wanted a Pandora bracelet but Daddy said she was too young for that so I got her a "Pondara" bracelet.  She loved it just the same.

Looking over some of their other goodies.

Tasting some easter marshmallows....ooh, to die for, Jacob says.

It's never too early in the morning for marshmallows.

Isaac's gift basket.  You're never too old for chocolate and candy!

Then it was off for the hunt in the back yard!

Jacob is holding an imaginary egg in his hand.

Hey, stay away from my eggs!  Don't mess with him!

Yay, a pink egg!

A picture after the hunt.  They're soo cute!

Then it was off to Grandma and Grandpa's house!  Getting cozy with Grandpa.  This is a photo for the sunroom Grandpa!

Jacob in his dressy fancy sweater, playing the drums.

Claire in her pretty dress, playing the cymbols.

We went home stuffed, as usual.  We love the holidays!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hair Cut....Finally!

We got tired of Claire's mop top and finally took her to cut her hair.  We scrapped growing her bangs out.  She wouldn't let us clip them up so there was no point.  Here is the before....

And the after.  We took 3 inches off the back too.  No idea where she got this pose.  It was so funny!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

No Clue...

When Daddy gets on the ipad, trading his "team" on Fifa online, there is no communicating with him.  The children can be up to no good behind him and he wouldn't even have a clue.

Claire could be stomping on her brother...

Or choking him...

A good whack from Jacob should do the trick...Hey Daddy, pay attention!

Nothing to see here, say's Claire.  Jacob doesn't look too happy.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Who is this?

No idea who this is?  What a silly face.  We are growing out her bangs and she refuses to clip them up.  I may have to just cut them....

Monday, March 18, 2013

MLS Players Gala

Joanne got Marc and Anthony tickets to the some gala.  There were lots of Leafs players there.  I can't tell you any of there names though....Leafs who?  Here are some pictures from the night.

Marc and Anthony with Joffrey Lupul, one of the Leafs.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fun at the Science Centre

We visited the Science Centre today.  It's been a long time since we've been there.  It was a first for Claire, Jacob and Grandma.
Having fun at one of the exhibits.  You would push the pins and it would show the imprint on the other side.
Isaac explaining to Grandma how it worked.

This is cool!

Jacob preferred the toddler area and was fascinated by this turtle.

Hello Mr. Turtle!

Playing some music on these pipes.

Grocery shopping in the play centre.

Noisy, noisy, it's too noisy for me!

Taking a refreshment break.

Taking a second refreshment break.

Group picture minus Daddy behind the camera.

Fun spinning around and around....

Collisions happen from time to time...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Rock Stars

I took this picture of Jacob today and realized I had the same one with Claire.  Let's compare...
Jacob at 2 years, 4 months old.
Claire at 2 years, 9 months old.

Both super CUTE!

Chucky Cheese

I had my nieces over for a few days during March Break.  This morning we went to Chucky Cheese for some play and lunch.
Thaiana and Claire on one of the rides.
Mya in the big 4-wheeler.  It was a wild ride.

Thaiana and Jacob in the climber.


Yay, fun!

Whee!  I love this place!