Saturday, March 14, 2009

Soccer Champions

Isaac's team had their last game today. They won 15-1 and also won the league championship. Claire, Grandma and I were able to make it out to his game today.

Claire and I posing in front of the field sign.

A picture of the whole team. They are all holding up their fingers for #1.

An action shot - not much action since they were creaming the other team.

The locker room celebration. As part of the celebration, the team shoved a plate of shaving cream into their coaches face (we didn't get that picture) and cracked open a bottle of champagne (none for the kids ofcourse) which got them into trouble by security.

Isaac enjoying a piece of the celebration cake.

We took him out to dinner at the Mandarin to celebrate with some other family members. Way to go Isaac!!

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