They were calling for evening rain but it was a very nice (albeit hot) day afterall! All the weeks we spent building our deck and cleaning up our backyard was worth it to see the glee on all the kids faces as they played outside. As you can see, there wasn't a lack of things to do, that's for sure! Some photos of the party:
Check out the view from our deck. There are no weeds and you can see the park in the distance!

Extreme bouncy castle fun - Ryan is taking Isaac out, Adam is stepping on Claire's head, and Mya and Thaiana just collided. They had so much fun in there!

Adam having fun with the bubble machine. They weren't joking when they said this thing made a gazillion bubbles!

Jacob hanging out with Grandma.

After some play and food, I got out the Snow White costume again for birthday cake time. Here I am posing with the girls. My hand is strategically placed waiting for my bird friends to perch.

The girls wore princess crowns and the boys had pirate hats.

Ben showing us how the party blowers work.

Claire getting ready to make a wish!

Did we miss something? I love this photo! It's always the birthday kid that looks upset and dishevelled.

The best family photo we could get.

Ofcourse we got a princess pinata...come on! Claire ready to go....Mommy Snow White, pay attention!

After all the little guys got a turn, it was time to bring out the big guns...enter big brother Isaac!

Take that!

Alright, why do they make these things so bloody hard to crack open?? Isaac just ripped it up.

Enjoying the pinata loot.

Ofcourse there was princess jewels or pirates treasure in the pinata!

Present opening time! By my facial expression you can see I was boiling buckets in this costume. I just kept repeating in my head: its for the children, its for the children....

Overall a great party and fun was had by all!
Thank you everyone for coming and for the wonderful gifts!
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