We received a progress update report for Claire. This is what it said:
Claire is a great, sensitive and curious little girl. She has a tendency to play in small groups and loves to play in the dramatic centre where she uses her imagination skills. Claire also like to participate in sensory, gluing, painting and colouring activities. During outdoor play, she is active on the playground where she displays good coordination skills. She follows our daily routines with ease, uses good table manners and dresses and undresses with minimal assistance. Claire identifies colours, shapes, recognizes her own name and also the names of other children.
Socialization - to continue playing cooperatively by introducing more group games.
Language - introducing new stories, songs to further expand Claire's vocabulary.
Cognitive - to practive recognition of numbers and secondary colours.
Self-help - to encourage Claire to zip and unzip her jacket.
Gross-motor - to introduce more creative body movements with music, hopping on 1 foot, catching and throwing balls and bean bags.
Yay for Claire!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Indoor Playground
Anthony is off for the next few days so we are soaking up our last days of summer before school starts. Today we hit the indoor playground.
Cute Jacob on the slide.
Isaac and Thaiana playing ball.
Claire loved this little coaster ride...although it wasn't as fun without the ride-on!
This picture makes me think of that P&G commercial where it pays tribute to mom's. It says something like "she's the headless body in the picture".
Another close-up of the cutie.
Everyone in the ball pit!
Where's Isaac?
Good times were had by all!
Cute Jacob on the slide.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Clapping Hands
He started this yesterday. We were at Isaac's soccer game and I was clapping and cheering them on. Jacob was just staring at me. And then yesterday he started doing it on his own.
10 Month Milestone
We hit double digits in months today! It's been 10 months of pure joy. Jacob is affectionately known as our little puppy because of the whiney sounds he makes when he gets tired or wants attention. He's crawling all over the place and is starting to pull and stand up. He hasn't sprouted any new teeth yet but eats like he's got a full set already! It's funny when you watch him chewing. The latest photo of our little puppy:
The cool pose with the collar up.
Happy playing hide-and-seek.
He is adorably handsome.
He loves his little sleep teddy.
At nap or bed time, he'll grab it and put it over his eyes. It's so cute to see! When he wakes up, he'll chew on it...just like a puppy!
He was crawling around closing doors this morning. Not good if he locks himself in!
And the slideshow of months past:
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Outdoor Fun
Anthony's cousins heard we were looking for a trampoline and they were kind enough to give us theirs as their kids have outgrown it. We managed to get it up today and the kids were sooo excited. We wouldn't normally let them all in at the same time, but they were so excited we said it was okay this once. We supervised!
See the glee.
Some bouncing fun.
Claire down and Isaac up.
A look from afar.
When Jacob got up from nap we put him in there too.
He loved being able to crawl around outside. We'll call this his outdoor play pen!
Claire had a meltdown when Isaac said he needed a break...I'm sure it's the first of many to come! She just loves playing with her older brother.
Since it was getting too rowdy in there, I decided to bring out the foam mats and let Jacob crawl around on the deck.
He liked it so much I think that I'll just use these for outdoors now since he's crawling well inside the house.
After Daddy put up the trampoline he needed a little relaxtion so he took out the golf clubs.
Well he found a new way of tackling the weeds in the backyard.
Worked pretty good!
I think we're going to have a lot of holes in the yard now! Guess he needed to take out some frustation on the weeds since he got poison ivy a few weeks ago. He says he'll never touch the weeds agaiin.
See the glee.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Claire has been showing us the moves they do in Yoga at daycare.
First we need to stretch.
Lower body stretch.
Upper body stretch.
A little bit of both.
Reach up high.
Now let's Yoga! A simple pose standing on 1 leg showing us how she has great balance.
Getting more sophisticated now showing us how flexible she is.
And now expert moves. Doing a bridge showing her core strength.
She makes it look so easy!
Ta-dah! That's it!
I definitely have to attend one of these classes at daycare with them!
First we need to stretch.
Lower body stretch.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Let Us Remember
After posting those photos of Jacob yesterday I checked back at Claire's 9 month photos to see what she was doing around this time. He's right on track with Claire as she was also pulling up to stand as well. These photos bring back memories! Where is this little baby now?
We miss Claire at this stage. She was so cute (still is!). We can't wait to take this princess back to her home land in Disney next year!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
6 Months Ago..
Hair Cuts
Rose Bush
We went to visit Anthony's cousins yesterdday and Isaac had a little mishap. He was throwing a ball in the air and catching it. This time he went to catch it and didn't look where he was going and he ended up tripping and diving into the fence and rose bush. His eye swelled up right away and this morning he looked like this.
We spent the visit icing it and pulling out thorns from his hands, legs, arms and clothing. Poor guy! We are just thankful he didn't get any thorns in his eyes.
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