Marc, Joanne, Anthony and I enlisted the help of the grandparents to take all the kids so that we could enjoy a vday meal without any child interuptions. We went out to Chatterpauls. It was delicious!!! Some photos of the happy couples.
Anthony and I.

Marc and Joanne.

Group shot. We had a really nice time. The food was tasty and we didn't even have to stop once to tell someone to sit down, keep their bib on or bribe anyone to finish their food.

Meanwhile back at the house, the kids were all having a good time. Claire and Jacob.

Adam playing Isaac's iPod touch.

Sledding in the back yard....without proper footwear or gloves I might add (Note - the parents of these children were not consulted in advance). What were the grandparents thinking? As if there was never going to be another opportunity to take this photo. Claire and Adam are recovering from their frost bite.

Jacob cozy inside on the swing - thank goodness!
Where are Anthony's teeth?