Friday, February 11, 2011

30 Month Milestone

Claire turned 2 1/2 years old today! My time has flown by and although she is the big sister, she is still so little. Our sweet little girl has a special place in our hearts. As the middle child and only girl, she has a lot to live up to with her soccer star big brother and tough guy little brother. For everyone who knows Claire, we are all confident that she can hold her own between them! I have always said she's that perfect mix of sweet and sassy. Sweet like her Daddy and sassy like Mommy ofcourse! Her former rocker has graduated to baby Jacob's room, so here is her latest picture on her new grown up chair.

Ironically, Claire wore a similar outfit in her 9 month photo. Look at the difference 21 months makes!

That was back when she was cooperative. The 2 1/2 year old Claire is not so cooperative! Getting her to sit still and pose on the chair is getting a bit harder as you can see by the silly and uninterested photos below.

She wanted to get Jacob in the photos too ofcourse. See how excited he was.

Claire has such an unpredictable personality. I quote her daycare teacher: "with Claire you never know what you're gonna get when she comes in." So true...haha. She's an adventurous little girl too. She's become a fan of superheroes because of her big cousin Ryan (aka Superman) and her Grandma made her a cape just like his. She loves it and is also appropriately known as Supergirl!

She may look sweet, but never get Supergirl on your bad side. I repeat NEVER. The wrath of Supergirl is like nothing you have ever experienced. Just ask her Daddy and he'll tell you.

And she's off enjoying life and living every moment of it in true Miss Claire (as I like to call her) style.

And the slideshow of months hoo...

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