We took a trip to the mall today to pick up a potty for Claire. We thought she would be potty trained by now but she just isn't very interested in using the toilet. So we thought we would try a little potty that she could use in her bedroom - since this is where she likes to do her business. It was funny because when I asked her where she wanted me to put it she told me in the corner which is where she usually goes. We had her try it out but....nothing! She did make a comment that the seat was really soft.

Although she didn't use it to go to the washroom tonight she did enjoy lugging it around the house and taking the soft seat on and off to wear it as a mask or hat. It was hilarious I wish I got a photo. And when I was putting Jacob to bed she carried her potty in and said she wanted to try going in his room - ofcourse, let's stink up your brother's room - only Miss Claire!
Not sure if this is going to work. I should have known because when Anthony was in line paying for it, I asked Claire if she was going to use it and she flat out said No!
Oh well, it was only $15. I hope Jacob doesn't mind pink!
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