As if there weren't enough birthdays in the month of October for our family, our baby decided to make his appearance to the world!
I was already about 4cm when I arrived at the hospital, thinking my water had broke. We found out it was only the rest of my mucous plug but he would be on his way very soon so I was admitted.
Here I am happy and comfortable enjoying my breakfast. This was the calm before the storm.

After making a few phone calls, I was hooked up to the I.V. to start on some pitocin to get the ball rolling.

Litterally an hour later (I kid you not!), baby Jacob Michael Clemente was born into the world! He was born at 11:46am, weighing in at 8 lbs and was 21 1/4 inches long. What a cutie!

An exhausted me.....I kept saying to the nurse and really everyone that was within ear shot that I was NEVER going to do this again.

A proud Daddy!

Our family is now complete. Wait till he meets his big brother and sister!
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