We finally were released from the hospital around 4pm....just in time to get ready for the trick-or-treaters! What an exciting homecoming for Jacob!
Well, Claire decided she didn't want to go out this year...and yes, after I order her that nice costume from the states! Guess what she's going to be next year? If you ask her, she will say a princess. My response: a princess strawberry!
After seeing all of Isaac's friends dressed up in spooky costumes, she got freaked out and didn't want to go out. She spent the night handing out candy with Daddy. Oh well!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Annual Halloween Party
Some Cute Pictures
Saturday, October 30, 2010
More Visitors
While we've been in the hospital, Anthony's parents have been watching Claire. She's been spending some time with her cousin Ryan (aka Superman) as well. These 2 have such a great time together.
Here she is showing Ryan her new baby brother.
Next up is uncle Marc.
And ofcourse, he hasn't lost his touch with the grandkids. Jacob is nice and calm as always with Grandpa.
Life is good.
Friday, October 29, 2010
More Family Pics
Some more pictures with the rest of the family.
Grandma Terri.
Cousin Thaiana.
Cousin Mya.
Grandma Nang and the girls.
After being handed around he was quite tired. Here he is all bundled and cozy.
We later got to change him and put on his own clothes. All snuggled and close to Mommy.
The photo says it all: what big cheeks you have baby Jacob!
Grandma Terri.
Meet the Family
Welcome Baby Jacob!
As if there weren't enough birthdays in the month of October for our family, our baby decided to make his appearance to the world!
I was already about 4cm when I arrived at the hospital, thinking my water had broke. We found out it was only the rest of my mucous plug but he would be on his way very soon so I was admitted.
Here I am happy and comfortable enjoying my breakfast. This was the calm before the storm.
After making a few phone calls, I was hooked up to the I.V. to start on some pitocin to get the ball rolling.
Litterally an hour later (I kid you not!), baby Jacob Michael Clemente was born into the world! He was born at 11:46am, weighing in at 8 lbs and was 21 1/4 inches long. What a cutie!
An exhausted me.....I kept saying to the nurse and really everyone that was within ear shot that I was NEVER going to do this again.
A proud Daddy!
Our family is now complete. Wait till he meets his big brother and sister!
I was already about 4cm when I arrived at the hospital, thinking my water had broke. We found out it was only the rest of my mucous plug but he would be on his way very soon so I was admitted.
Here I am happy and comfortable enjoying my breakfast. This was the calm before the storm.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Happy 12th Birthday Isaac
Oh the many October birthdays....this is the big one. Isaac is 12 now!!! I still tell everyone he is 10. He will never be any older than that to me. :(
We went out to dinner at the Mandarin, Isaac's favourite place because he is such a big eater.
A few pictures of him opening up some gifts at home.
We went with a "responsible" gift and got him a homework board, magnets, Microsoft Office 2010 (for all the homework he gets ofcourse) and some accessories for his laptop (which he got from his generous nonna and nonno) like a mouse, mouse pad and mini speakers.
He sure knows how to fake excitment in the photos...;)
He also got a few books from Uncle Anthony & Auntie Jessica and Grandma.
His godparents got him a movie themed gift with the new Karate Kid movie and popcorn.
We went out to dinner at the Mandarin, Isaac's favourite place because he is such a big eater.
We went with a "responsible" gift and got him a homework board, magnets, Microsoft Office 2010 (for all the homework he gets ofcourse) and some accessories for his laptop (which he got from his generous nonna and nonno) like a mouse, mouse pad and mini speakers.
He also got a few books from Uncle Anthony & Auntie Jessica and Grandma.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Getting Ready for Halloween
We always enjoy putting together treat bags for Halloween. We decided we better get a move on just in case baby makes his appearance before then (and hopefully not on the day of Halloween).
Here are the troops sorting out the goodies and putting them in the bags. It doesn't take Claire long to find something she wants.
Here she is asking if she can have a lollipop.
I tell her yes....BUT...after we have dinner. Her response:
We manage to calm her down by distracting her and continue with stuffing our baggies. I am looking pretty stuffed myself on the couch. Will I make it to November 1st??? I certainly hope so!
Here are the troops sorting out the goodies and putting them in the bags. It doesn't take Claire long to find something she wants.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
T.V. Room
With all these kids and our small house, we've had to convert many of our rooms. Our once living room turned to the dining room when we had Claire, and now with baby on the way, we've had to change it to our bedroom. The kids were used to watching t.v. in this room so they still come in whenever they feel like it even though it's our bedroom. Don't they look comfortable?
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Happy 2nd Birthday Ben!
We went to my nephew's birthday party today. Here are some pictures of the great time we had at the party.
Claire having fun around the pole, climber and GIANT bouncy castle.

Isaac and Claire patiently awaiting their peice of birthday cake.
The birthday boy and his Daddy.
The signature shot of Isaac at the kiddie table eating his cake...he just loves it.
Claire having fun around the pole, climber and GIANT bouncy castle.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A Day at the Pumpkin Patch
To celebrate our Thanksgiving, the whole Clemente clan headed out to Whittamore's pumpkin patch for a morning of fun.
They had a great selection of pumpkins this year.
Isaac enjoying the "kiddie" ride-ons.
There were also a few farm animals to see. Here are the ducks.
A cow.
Grandma & Claire.
Grandpa & Adam.
Isaac up high on the hay bails.
Ryan & Claire up high.
Claire after her death encounter on the jumbo slide...her brother just threw her down.
A moment reflecing after her life/death situation...just kidding. She loved it and went down 2 more times by herself.
Isaac on the web.
Claire getting some help from Grandpa on the web.
Lining up for the bouncy castle.
Fun in the bouncy castle.
The hazards of the bouncy castle - Ryan is toppled over while Isaac continues to jump without a care. Nice!
Adam loving it! You also see Ryan at the side jumping high, Claire down and out, and Isaac in the back stepping over some kid...what's the age limit on this thing? How did he get in there? I am fully embarassed this is my child.
A picture of the crew after lunch.
Fun with the sandbox toys.
Some brother and sisterly love.
We then headed over for the pumpkin cannon shooting. They litterally shot pumpkins out of a cannon at old vans. Claire was not a fan. She repeatedly told us she did not like it. I don't think it helped either that the van they were shooting at looked like Grandma & Grandpa's. This upset her even more. I had to take her away.
And relaxing in the wheelbarrow after a long morning.
What a great day! We'll have to make it an annual event.
They had a great selection of pumpkins this year.
And relaxing in the wheelbarrow after a long morning.
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