Today Claire is 2 years old!! It's been a great 2 years and we look forward to each and every day. She's a great combination of sweet and sassy all wrapped up in cute and cuddly. She continues to amaze us by the level of her speech and understanding. She's an avid reader and loves to sing songs...especially Happy Birthday to herself. She has no problems telling her big brother what to do. One might say she's even a little bossy. It's as they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, haha. We love her so very much! Here is her latest monthly photo:
We decided to keep her hair nice and short as she won't let us do anything with it. Suri Cruise has nothing on Claire Clemente's bob cut!
And here are the many faces of Claire.
Let's begin with a thoughtful Claire. You can just see her brain processing her thoughts and thinking of how to ariticulate her words. A-MAZE-ING I tell you.A squirmy Claire. It's very hard to keep her still for photos.
An on-the-verge upset Claire. Now that I`ve read the `Happiest Toddler on the Block`, I can usually prevent this Claire 90% of the time.
A happy-go-lucky Claire. She's a joy and will bring a smile to any stranger's face.
And the slideshow of months past:
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