Here is how you get her to smile: say show me your teeth.
She has also mastered another thing....climbing! She managed to climb out of her crib so we have moved her to a toddler bed for now. It's actually great timing since we would of had to change her soon anyway with the new baby coming. Here are some pictures of her with the bed we borrowed from cousin Ryan. Now it is totally not jiving with the girly decor of her room (and I try to black that out) but in all honesty, this bed is completely Claire - as a lover of her big brother and soccer and Elmo ofcourse. Here are some cute photos of her with her new bed.
Check out all her stuffed animal buddies jumping on the bed.
Posing at the headboard that shows off soccer elmo.
And ofcourse a picture of Claire and Elmo.
And of Elmo and Elmo...Claire insisted I take this.
She has been doing well in the evenings with not getting out of bed. She has rolled off the side a few times, but we've got cushions down so she hasn't hurt herself. And the slideshow of months past:
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