Monday, May 24, 2010

Mississauga Tournament

A photo of the kids after Isaac's last game. It was a great tournament. They made it to the semi-finals but ended up losing 1-0. No matter, Isaac is still Claire's hero.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Rain Boots

She put these on herself tonight just for fun.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Adam!!

Happy birthday to our little bumble bee nephew!! Just think, a year ago you looked like this:

Love zio Anthony, anti Phetsamone, cousins Isaac & Claire

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

21 Month Milestone

Claire is 21 months today!!! She continues to amaze us with her vocabulary and "parrot" mimicking ways. At 18 months she was saying over 100 words and now I am positive this has doubled and she is saying full sentences such as: I like it...or I don't like it. Where's Mommy? Dada? Isaac? Oh my goodness! I hear/see, etc. I want cereal...or pancakes..or strawberries..or yogurt raisins...she loves these! Here is her latest monthly picture:

Some other cute shots.

Here is how you get her to smile: say show me your teeth.

Her mischievious look...she wears this one quite often.

A hug for the bear.

And a kiss too.

We have also seen in the last 3 months that she loves to sing! She is a lover of common nursery rhymes such as Oh McDonald, Twinkle, Twinkle and The Wheels on the Bus. And just recently, she started singing Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, which I got on film (press play below).

She has also mastered another thing....climbing! She managed to climb out of her crib so we have moved her to a toddler bed for now. It's actually great timing since we would of had to change her soon anyway with the new baby coming. Here are some pictures of her with the bed we borrowed from cousin Ryan. Now it is totally not jiving with the girly decor of her room (and I try to black that out) but in all honesty, this bed is completely Claire - as a lover of her big brother and soccer and Elmo ofcourse. Here are some cute photos of her with her new bed.

Check out all her stuffed animal buddies jumping on the bed.

Posing at the headboard that shows off soccer elmo.

And ofcourse a picture of Claire and Elmo.

And of Elmo and Elmo...Claire insisted I take this.

She has been doing well in the evenings with not getting out of bed. She has rolled off the side a few times, but we've got cushions down so she hasn't hurt herself. And the slideshow of months past:

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I was spoiled this year by my babies! A photo of the gifts I received.

Isaac made me this lovely bracelet. I was very impressed.

And to think he couldn't impress me more, he wrote me the sweetest letter from the heart:

Dear Mommy,

I think you are a great mother with many special qualities. Some of these excellent qualities are that you are perfect, understanding and most of all you are super duper pretty. Some of my favourite moments with you are when we would go on vacation to Florida and go on all the rides at Disney World. Also when you would spend all of your time to throw me the best party in the world. I enjoy every minute with you when we are doing activities like going on bike rides and walks. Sometimes I wish that you could keep us with me slow poke!! Haha... I appreciate all your help on paying my soccer fees and all of your wonderful meals that you prepare especially for me! You're the greatest Mom in the whole world.

Love Isaac tell me that wasn't just the sweetest thing you ever read. It seriously brought tears to my eyes because I could tell he really thought about what he was going to write. What a great kid!

And if Claire didn't already spoil me enough, she also made me this lovely t-shirt at school. Check out the pics.

The sunflower is made from her hands, fingers and wonder she came home with paint on her clothes this week! So cute!

And to top it off, Anthony took us out to breakfast at Cora's - yummy!

He also got me the new Carrie Underwood CD. I know he would have liked to take me to her upcoming concert on November 4th, but I'm thinking the baby is going to show up this day!

What a great family!

Friday, May 7, 2010

An Early Mother's Day Gift

Claire made a sweet surprise for me for Mother's Day at daycare. I came home and she had a bag of goodies for me. We decided to eat these right away! A photo of the goodies.

Claire eyeing those goodies.

A fake smile for the camera.

And now she's all smiles after she's had a chance to taste the treats!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A New Clemente on the Way!

Yes, we are crazy! We have another little Clemente on the way. Isaac is already a seasoned pro at being a big brother and Claire is excited about being a big sister. Anthony and I are petrified of being a family of 5. Here's a picture of my first ultrasound at 13.5 weeks.

The baby was feisty and did not like having its photo taken. Check out the baby sucking it's thumb. Check out our new ticker counting down the days.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

An Artist

Claire loves to colour.

You can see the pleasure it brings her on her face.

And the intense concentration. Staying in between the lines can be difficult.

She's colouring this for her brother, ofcourse!

Monday, May 3, 2010

I Love My Pasta

She really gets into her food. Did I get any on my face?

I promise I won't touch anything!

Getting messy makes her smile.

Good thing bath time follows dinner!