After nap, Claire was ready to open her gifts. She got some great toys and clothes. Some pictures:
Posing in some new threads....that are not pink, yay!

A fun elephant shape sorter.

An interactive activity cube.

She was spoiled by her godparents with her own car. She couldn't wait for Daddy to finish putting it together.

The best part was that it had a cell phone. She loved it!

A photo of the finished product.

Our basement is literally a toy store now.
Lastly, we had asked for gift cards towards the purchase of Claire's new car seat. We've been so anxious to change her car seat that we picked it up later that afternoon. Some pictures before the install.

Our little girl looks so grown up in this big seat.

Testing it out. She approves!

I have to say I'm really pleased with the Britax. It's really comfortable, was easy to install and the straps and fasteners are easy to use.
Thank you to everyone for the lovely gifts and most importantly, your friendships and love for our little girl!
Oh my gosh! That little green number is SO CUTE! ;)