It's been a pretty exciting day for Claire. This morning we took her to her first swimming lesson. Daddy was very hesitant to put her in the water because he thought it was too cold for her. It took us about 10 minutes to finally convince him to put her toes in. (Note this was only a 30 minute lesson....Next time, I'll be taking her in the water for sure.) Claire really enjoyed watching all of the other kids and kicking her legs in the water. We weren't allowed to take any photos but here's an old photo with her in her suit.

After lunch we took Claire to get her very first hair cut. After the pony tails we decided it was time to even out her scaggly hair. We went to a place called cuttie cuts. She was so excited and well mannered the whole time. She was the best customer of the day. Here are some photos:
The before shot. Note the double chin.

The first spritz of water.

The first snip. She loved the little dune buggy she was riding. She kept trying to honk the horn while the hairdresser was cutting.

And, the after shot. She's looks like she's lost about a pound now.

Posing with Mommy and Daddy.

After her appointment they gave Claire a certificate to commemorate the day. They took a photo of her and included her first locks.
She's growing up!