We decided it was time to take away Claire's pacifer. She caught a cold (yet again) and couldn't breathe through her nose so having her pacifier in her mouth didn't help things. We took it away on Saturday morning and she's been doing great without it. She'll cry a bit before nap and bedtime, but falls asleep not long after. It's when we're out and about that will be challenging since she's been accustomed to having it with her in the car and in church when it's nice to have her quiet. Oh well, babies will cry and everyone else will have to deal with it too!!
To reward Claire, we went out and bought her the crawl and cruise musical jungle activity centre. I have wanted this for her since it came out but was way too expensive. We got it for 50% off so I couldn't resist. Here she is playing with her new musical gym.
Isaac had fun playing with her.

A view from behind.

Thank you Mommy & Daddy!!

It's actually really perfect for the stage she is at right now since she loves sitting up on her own and has begun attempting to pull herself up.
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