Tuesday, March 31, 2009
This Little Piggy
Claire's hair has been growing in so strangely. She has 2 really long sections right behind her ears, and then the rest of her hair is really short. Anyway, I managed to tie the sections behind her ears into tiny pony tails.
I'm not so sure I'm digging the pig tails just yet....but I'd be lying if I didn't say she looks absolutely adorable.
Monday, March 30, 2009
I Like to Move it, Move it!
Tummy time has become more exciting! When you put Claire down she can do a quarter turn. If she had a tail, she would be doing full circles!
She is also liking this standing up business. She saw another little baby girl in church on Sunday doing it, so she's been making full attempts. I managed to get this photo of her from behind.....right before she took a nose dive through the play gym. Don't worry, she's tough! I guess it's just one of the many, many slips and falls that are to come with mobility!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Prunes Away!
We started Claire on prunes today and boy, oh boy, did she like them! We're starting to think there is nothing this child won't eat and are considering renaming her the baby garbage disposal!
Later that afternoon Grandma babysat and Claire was kind enough to "return" all of the prunes she ate earlier that morning. Grandma took no offence (that's not to say she enjoyed it), and quickly soaked Claire's clothes for us so they wouldn't stain. Gotta love Grandma's!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Bring on the Easy-Bake Oven
Claire had so much fun playing on the kitchen floor with some of the measuring cups and bowls.
She would make a natural baker since she's so careful with her measurements. She made sure all of the measuring cups fit into the bowl before she started.
And then dumped them all out because really, who wants measuring cups in their baked goods, right?
In fact, she managed to whip up some goodies for Daddy this afternoon. Yes, we wrapped them up and put them in a pastry box ourselves....you know, for presentation purposes.
She would make a natural baker since she's so careful with her measurements. She made sure all of the measuring cups fit into the bowl before she started.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
See Ya Later Sucker!
We decided it was time to take away Claire's pacifer. She caught a cold (yet again) and couldn't breathe through her nose so having her pacifier in her mouth didn't help things. We took it away on Saturday morning and she's been doing great without it. She'll cry a bit before nap and bedtime, but falls asleep not long after. It's when we're out and about that will be challenging since she's been accustomed to having it with her in the car and in church when it's nice to have her quiet. Oh well, babies will cry and everyone else will have to deal with it too!!
To reward Claire, we went out and bought her the crawl and cruise musical jungle activity centre. I have wanted this for her since it came out but was way too expensive. We got it for 50% off so I couldn't resist. Here she is playing with her new musical gym.
Isaac had fun playing with her.
A view from behind.
Thank you Mommy & Daddy!!
It's actually really perfect for the stage she is at right now since she loves sitting up on her own and has begun attempting to pull herself up.
To reward Claire, we went out and bought her the crawl and cruise musical jungle activity centre. I have wanted this for her since it came out but was way too expensive. We got it for 50% off so I couldn't resist. Here she is playing with her new musical gym.
Isaac had fun playing with her.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Missing Grandma & Grandpa
Claire & Ryan really miss Grandma & Grandpa. Poor Claire spent a few days waiting out in the driveway hoping their van would show up that she caught a cold (see her runny nose). And poor Ryan is so distraught that he's been carrying around his hockey stick for days ready to attack the bag guys who stole "Bambpa". Come home soon!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Our Trip to the Zoo
We took the kids to the zoo today. A bit chillier than we thought, but the pavillions were nice and toasty. It was a great day for the animals. Here are some pics of the animals we saw:

Here are some pics of the family.
Grandma and the kids.
Claire and I warming up in the Australian pavilion.
Thaiana and Isaac posing in the man-made log boat.
And the whole family in front of the new barrier reef aquarium. Claire could have stared at the fish for hours if we let her.
All in all, it was a great day!
Grandma and the kids.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Little Beethoven
We figured out how to keep Claire occupied while we eat dinner. We bought her a mini piano as her 7th month gift and she now plays us songs while we eat. Note however that she does not take any requests. She'll play only what she wants to hear. She has composed several songs and we're working to find a producer to get the CD going.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Soccer Champions
Isaac's team had their last game today. They won 15-1 and also won the league championship. Claire, Grandma and I were able to make it out to his game today.
Claire and I posing in front of the field sign.
A picture of the whole team. They are all holding up their fingers for #1.
An action shot - not much action since they were creaming the other team.
The locker room celebration. As part of the celebration, the team shoved a plate of shaving cream into their coaches face (we didn't get that picture) and cracked open a bottle of champagne (none for the kids ofcourse) which got them into trouble by security.
Isaac enjoying a piece of the celebration cake.
We took him out to dinner at the Mandarin to celebrate with some other family members. Way to go Isaac!!
Claire and I posing in front of the field sign.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
7 Month Milestone
Today is lucky number 7!! Like the true meaning of her name, Claire is such a bright light! She can put a smile on anyone's face and we love her more and more every day! Here she is at 7 months!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Something New
Claire never ceases to amaze us with the new tricks she picks up each day. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed her pull herself up today when she leaned too far back on the pillow. Ofcourse I grabbed the camera and she didn`t repeat it....figures. But you can see her attempts in the footage. She works those ab muscles!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Where is Baby's Belly Button
Sorry I haven't posted for a few days. Claire has had the sniffles. She was feeling much better today and spent some quality time with her penguin.
Everytime she would give him a smack, he'd come right back for more.
Her face makes me laugh in this photo. Its saying, "That's right, I'm sitting up on my own and don't you forget it." What can I say? She has her brother's smooth attitude.
I didn't put an undershirt on her today so she kept pulling her shirt up to show me her belly button (see her pointing). At one point she actually "jerseyed" herself when she was playing on the floor. It was too cute.
I see Daddy in her eyes and smile (and belly).
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