Here's a quick rewind of what happened these past 3 months.
September and October are jam packed with birthdays, so bear with me.
My Mom celebrated her 53rd birthday on Sept 9th and baby Mya celebrated her 2nd birthday on Sept 12th. Here's a photo of the two of them from the wedding last year. I know, they both look so young!

Also celebrating on Sept. 12th was Anthony's brother Marc, who turned 30. We had dinner at one of my favourite places, Frankie Tomatto's. Our camera didn't seem to be working that night so here's a photo of Marc and Anthony from the wedding too. Don`t they look dashing!

Some really exciting news, we found out that Marc and Joanne were expecting again. Here`s Ryan sporting his big brother tee to share the news. Yah!!!

Anthony turned 32 on Sept 26th!

My sister Soupy and sister-in-law Jessica celebrated their birthdays on Sept 28th and Sept 30th respectively. Here`s a photo of Soupy below with daughter Mya and Jessica holding baby Claire for the first time at the hospital.

To end off September we celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary. Celebrating with us were Anthony`s parents who were also married Sept 29th in 1973. They spent their 35th wedding anniversary in Italy. We were not jealous at all....

With a 1 month old, we opted to stay in and enjoyed some of the wedding cake we froze last year. It was just as yummy!

To kick off the October birthdays, cousin Julia turned 7 on Oct 7th! Here she is in her flower girl dress from the wedding.

We hosted Thanksgiving dinner at our place on Oct 12th. Check out the spread. It was delicious!

Thanksgiving day was also my brother's birthday, his name is also Anthony. Below is a photo of him and his wife Jessica with their own little turkey brewing in the oven. They are getting last minute practice holding baby Claire as they would be welcoming their baby 2 days later.

Welcome baby Ben! Ben was born on Tues. Oct 14th. He is soooo CUTE!!

And 3 days after that, I celebrated my 31st birthday....but I don't have a photo so I am posting my photo from last year. That's my neice Thaiana in the photo with us. It was a foreshadowing that we were going to have a girl!

And 10 days after that we celebrated Isaac's 10th birthday. My baker couldn`t make Isaac`s cake this year so I attempted making cupcakes. See his cake below in the shape of a 10.

We had a party at the Sportsplex and invited some of his old and new school friends, as well as his soccer team. They had a great time playing soccer. Here is Mr. Popularity posing with his friends in front of his cake.

To end off October, we had Halloween. Here is Isaac below looking scary. He was a zombie doctor. We were going for Heart Surgeon, but this looked cooler.

And here's Daddy holding Claire as a pretty flower for her very first Halloween.

We also had Claire's baptism at the beginning of November, but I'll do a separate post for that.
Claire started her baby group at the end of the month. Here's a pic of the babies. She is one of 4 and she's the youngest.

To end the month, Claire finally got into her bumbo!!!

Here`s a shot from behind as she watches the boys play PS3. I love that you can see her bald spot on the back of her head.
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