Mommy got her wish!!! Claire slept all night. She was very festive when she woke up.

At around 5am, Isaac swore he heard noises on the roof. Guess he was right because some of the milk, cookies and carrots were gone.

All the stockings were off the fireplace and loaded up with goodies.
Isaac checking out the new Bone books he got in his stocking.

Claire got some rattles in her stocking. Here she is enjoying her new hand rattle.

She also got some wrist rattles, but her wrists are too thin so we put them on her cankles.

A picture of all the goodies Daddy got in his stocking. He was very happy with selection especially the Tim Hortons and Subway gift cards. We've got Daddy covered for breakfast and lunch for a month!

Thumbs up for Santa! He brought Isaac what he asked for - Madden 09 for his PS3.

Santa brought Claire a board book - The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Hopefully this will inspire Claire to fatten up for her next Doctor's appointment.

Isaac posing in front of his new ipod music station.

Isaac wants to keep his Mommy safe so he got me an Emergency car kit.

Daddy posing in his new sweater Claire got him.

And after all the gifts were opened, Claire chowed down and fell asleep.

Merry Christmas everyone!