Sunday, April 29, 2012

18 Month Milestone

Jacob is 18 months old today!  This little - or should I say big - guy is such a handful!  He is adventurous and fun-loving.  His favourite things are dogs, books, puzzles and movies! Must be Daddy's influence.  Here is is latest monthly photo:

Having a nice chat with Teddy.

Brushing his teeth.

It's amazing that he can do these puzzles on his own at this age.  Claire never really picked these up until closer to 24 months.  Jacob really enjoys these!

Don't bother me when I'm in the puzzle zone Mom!

If he's not doing his puzzles he will be watching a movie.  He can say "moovee".

 And open the cases up on his, no good!

He is saying a few words like Mama, Dada, Book, Isaac, Movie and can make some animals sounds like woof and meow.  He's a man of few words but when he speaks, you listen.  Much like his Daddy!

And the slideshow of months past:

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Swing and Dog

The cousins love seeing each other, especially at Grandma and Grandpa's.  Here they all are on the swing...they are so cute!

A flashback to 2 years earlier.

 Jacob and his bestest buddy Grandpa.

 We can't believe how much a dog lover Jacob is.  He is not afraid of them at all.  See how close he gets.

 Invading the neighbour's dogs personal space.

 He was just asking to be licked.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Infant Room Progress Report

Jacob will be moving to the Jr. Toddler room next week!  He can't wait to be with the big-ger kids!  Here is his progress report:

Jacob is a very lovable, curious, cute and playful little character.  He has matured very quickly in a short period of time in the infant room.  Jacob is a little man who enjoys exploring his surroundings and sometimes gets into mischief by climbing onto the tables!  Jacob enjoys participating in our music classes with Kayla. 

In the area of self help, Jacob's fine motor skills have enhanced as he uses a spoon well at mealtimes.  He can also seat himself at the table and is ready to eat!!  Jacob is very sociable and enjoys interacting with others including parents and staff.  He often gives hugs and kisses to everyone throughout the day.

Jacob's language skills have progressed at a steady pace.  He tries to repeat simple words said by teachers, i.e. all done, more, up, down.  He can repeat some animal sounds such as a dog, sheep, a cow.  Jacob is able to follow through 2-3 step directions, he understands instuctions very well.  Good job Jacob!

Emotionally, Jacob tends to take awhile to settle down after crying; usually during and at routine times (after diaper changes and sleep time) and can be a bit persistent at times!

1) To strengthen Jacob's gross motor muscles by providing him with riding toys, games such as catch me or ring around the rosie.
2) To further expand his vocabulary thorugh daily conversations, circle time stories and flash card pictures.
3) To encourage Jacob to put his hat/coat in his cubby during cloakroom time.

We wish Jacob the best of luck as he transitions to the Jr. Toddler room!  We will miss you Jacob!

They have nailed it with him as well!  Right down to his curious george and celebrity behaviour!  Looks like he's starting to take after Claire as well with his outburts and stubborn behaviour, ha!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

It was a beautiful Saturday for our Easter Egg Hunt.  The kids waited patiently for the Easter Bunny and were rewarded big time!  Check out the super sized egg Claire found.

 This is Jacob's first Easter Egg hunt walking all by himself.

 Big brother Isaac was close by to make sure Jacob got his fair share.  He took his 97% finders fees once Jacob was in bed.

 The Easter Bunny even left some eggs inside the trampoline!

 Claire's basket is looking pretty full!

 Jacob getting defensive!  Stay away from my easter eggs!

 Mya and Claire post-hunt.

 The whole gang.

 Mommy can we eat them now?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Puppy PJ's

Mom, please don't post this on the blog.  I don't want everyone to see me in my puppy pj's!!

This is going to hurt my reputation at daycare.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Spending the afternoon reading.  We have the same cheesy smiles.

 A big smile and pose.

 Trouble spelled with a capital J.

So serious...he is changing.  The halo is disappearing and the horns are coming out.  He makes up his own rules.

 Prime example - standing on furniture.