Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree.....oh how we need our space back!
Stockings and gifts from Santa.
Santa's letter to the kids on top of an empty plate of goodies.
The little piano we got Jacob - this turned out to be the gift all 3 kids liked the most!
The oh-so-over-the-top-unneccessary-two-sided-doll-house that Mommy - I mean Claire! - wanted. :)
Stocking time!
Grandma helping Jacob with his stocking. This is technically his first time given last year he was a pea in a pod!
Claire is a pro at this. Man, I look sooo tired!
What Santa brought Claire - Snow white and the Prince dolls and accessories - yay!
Santa brought Jacob some walking penguin friends. He thought they were interesting.
Santa brought Isaac a model car to add to his collection.
Grandma got a digital coin piggy bank and lottery tickets. Hopefully those tickets are good ones!
Isaac posing with his Thor and Green Latern movies. BTW, the THOR movie was AWESOME!
Jacob testing out his piano, BANG, BANG, BANG. We may regret this.
A picture of the chaos....we need a bigger house. These toys have taken over!
The happy family...Jacob and Claire want to play with their toys.