And the slideshow of months past:
Friday, April 29, 2011
6 Month Milestone
Jacob is 6 months old today - yay!!!!! Bring on MORE solids! So far we have only done the rice and oat cereal and he has done really well. He is enjoying the food and can`t wait for more! You can see that he is starting to chunk up even more. Here is his latest photo:
He has had a great month. He continues to develop his skills. He is rolling over to one side now but not completely over onto his belly. He really enjoys talking and being carried around the house.....I have a bionic bicep now. Here are some other cute shots.
Hey, you come here often?
Hi, how you doing?
He desperately needs a hair cut. He leans in the direction of his hair.
Everything goes in the mouth. The teeth are coming up, I`m sure of it. I feel the nibblers when I nurse him. Not fun.
He is not quite sitting up by himself. Not for long periods anyway. He can do it for a few seconds.
I think once we cut that hair it will help! It drags him down.
And the slideshow of months past:
And the slideshow of months past:
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Cookie Monster
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Sunday
Before heading to mass, we let the kids open up their Easter gifts. Claire was excited and handed out the gifts.
She got Dora and Little People easter books.
We also got her the Tangled movie.
As usual, she was more interested in what Isaac got...lots of candy.
After opening her gift, she wanted to open Jacob`s for him (since he was sleeping). We said no and she had her typical meltdown. A holiday just isn`t complete without Claire having a meltdown.
Tears away and we took some cute Easter pictures. Our beautiful princess bunny.
Claire and Isaac bunny.
All 3 of our bunnies.

And here`s just Jacob on his very first Easter.

After nap, we headed over to Whitby for a family dinner. Here`s a photo of all the cousins.
Happy Easter!
Friday, April 22, 2011
A Good Friday
We spent good friday at my brother`s place. It was a beautiful day for an easter egg hunt. Everyone was lined up and waiting to get out the door. Mya was first to get out!
Claire and I getting out the doors.
Everyone on the hunt.
Mommy helping Claire with her first find.
Thaiana with lots of eggs around her.
Isaac and Ty already eating some of their finds.
Ben filling up his basket.
Oh-oh, watch that hill buddy!
It`s alright, get back in there!
Nope, no eggs behind this tree. Glad I checked!
A picture of the group finishing off the hunt. It was a good one!
Claire handed out Smarties eggs to all of her cousins. We brought one for her too to avoid a meltdown.
Ben on the dune buggy power wheels that his parents initally bought for Isaac 11 years ago. Glad we hung onto that!
Ben was happy to give out rides.
Claire had lots of fun running around in the backyard (because she does not have one of her own...). Here she is playing in the outdoor kitchen.
Going down the slide on the climber.
And then some swing action...but wait...she is she knows...we have a backyard, it`s behind our house. She`s no fool!
Sorry baby - talk to your dad about that. Or better yet...maybe you should talk to Grandpa. Things might get done faster that way.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
More Practice
With his 6 month bday just around the corner, I've put Jacob on a strict routine to practice his sitting and jumping.
Here he is practicing sitting upright in his bumbo.
Another angle highlights how sitting upright brings on the double chin.
And off to the jolly jumper to strengthen his legs. He is starting to get the hang of it.
He doesn`t get much height but that`s okay.
He doesn`t last very long in it. Maybe 15 minutes or so. But it`s a start!
And now live footage of the jumping.
Here he is practicing sitting upright in his bumbo.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
2 Babes in a Tub
Starting Solids
I knew I was going to start solids a little early with this guy. I had decided we would do it on Easter Sunday - you know, since he`s been fasting since birth! It would only be fair that he have a Easter feast too, right? Well, I couldn`t wait till Easter...and neither could Jacob. He was grabbing at our food and staring so intensly it broke your heart. I finally broke Daddy today and we were off to the races!
The first bite going in.
It`s in!!!
Hmmm...this is interesting...
Yes, yes, I think I like this.
And now that Jacob is officially on solids, Claire brought over the good stuff - donuts!!
Whoa...we`ll take it nice and slow. No donuts just yet for this guy!
The first bite going in.
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