Last night was a very hard night for me. It was the first night I slept at home without Jacob next to me. I cried long and hard and hyperventillated for about half and hour straight. I just want my baby back home. We all miss him. Things don`t feel right without him.
Although I had a hard night, Jacob`s nurse said he had a good night and he`ll most likely be moved back to the first critical care room he was in when he was first admitted by tomorrow.
He`s been on a breathing tube since he was admitted. They tried removing it today but he was having some difficulty - which is pretty common. So he had to be put in the `box` which essentially is a box put over his head so that his oxygen levels stay saturated.
I also got to hold him today, so that was really exciting. It was hard holding him with all the wires and tubes but still felt good nonetheless.
He`s a fighter and we continue to pray.