Sunday, March 28, 2010


I just love this new outfit I got Claire. Whoever said stripes weren't flattering doesn't know Claire Clemente.

Actually, if you look back at the last 10 or so posts, she is always in stripes! Total, coincidence!

Saturday, March 27, 2010


It was time to take Claire for a proper hair home salon this time! We took her to Melonheads and here's how it went. The before pic:

Getting sprayed down...she was not pleased.

All wet...look at the daggers in her eyes.

In progress 1 - no smile.

In progress 2 - still no smile.

Out comes the blow dryer..oh-uh, this could get ugly.

All done.

A look in the mirror...still no smile. Man, she's a tough customer.

And she got a pretty clip too...this did not last in her hair very long.

This is the best "smile" you can get out of her.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Isaac on the News

Earlier this year Isaac's class started a dance program. The students learned several different dances like the Meringue, Tango, Swing, and Rumba. At first Isaac wasn't sure if he would like it - seeing that he would have to dance with girls - but he ended up really liking it and being really well at it too. We got to see first hand at a showcase his school hosted tonight. I couldn't beleive how well he danced - so professional and not looking at his feet one bit! Leading up to the event, the school managed to get City TV to come out and do a segment on the kids. Isaac was intereviewed and here's what he had to say: Just press play!

He's not camera shy at all, is he? This aired on the evening news so he's a bit of a celebrity now. We're looking forward to seeing some more dancing at his next competition.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fun With Cars

Our little tom boy is getting to know her colours. Here she is sorting out the dinky cars by colour - red, yellow and blue.

I found some more blue!

She's brillant!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

How to Give Antibiotics

Claire got her very first ear infection last week. It's been painful giving her the antibiotics. But we finally figured it out...You just offer her a "Pocky" after and she's good. Pocky is an asian yogurt covered cracker stick.

A picture of her savouring her first bite.

That is goodness.

We just wished we figured this little trick out sooner!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ryan's 3rd Birthday

Today we went to Ryan's 3rd birthday party at some cool Bubble play palace. Isaac was relunctant to go at first - being much older than everyone else - but he felt comfortable in no time. Here he is playing with the interactive floor pad.

We had lots of love for little Adam too. He's adorable.

He was the token picture baby.

Isaac getting his Adam fix. At this point Adam is not pleased with being passed around like some toy.

It's not that we were ignoring the birthday boy, we just couldn't stop him. He was having lots of fun running all around the place. We caught him here briefly.

And then he stopped to give Claire a smooch Hello.

And then Claire went back to playing with the trains.

And she also had fun climbing in the play house.

And then it was time to eat. Pizza yum! One of Claire's favourite things.

Isaac fit right in at the kids table..haha.

And the birthday boy even took a break - finally! He needed that drink!

The grande finale - his masterpiece of a birthday cake. Way to go Marc!

We put in an order for Claire's birthday. We're expecting good things...