Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Son is Back!

My 8 year old is back!

Or do you think he looks older with short hair?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Elmo Obsession

When the T.V. is occupied, the DVD player is the back-up plan. Claire must have her Elmo fix! Look at the intensity of the facial expression.

And the 'please don't interrupt me'.

As you were Madame...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday at the Zoo

An unpleasant experience at the african pavillion. Keep your eye on her head.

Enjoying a more calm experience at the barrier reef pavillion.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Another Haircut for Claire

I trimmed Claire's bangs for a second time. For $20 savings, I must say it's totally worth it. Now she can watch her favourite show (Elmo) without having her hair in her eyes!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Volunteer Work

I organized a volunteer day at the Daily Bread Food bank for a group of my co-workers. I brought Isaac along with me and I was so glad I did. He had such a great time and really enjoyed helping out. Here he is emptying the donation box at the warehouse.

We're sure glad he came because the boxes were really deep. He literally had to climb in them.

A close up at the sorting table.

A photo of all the boxes we ended up packing and sorting. We ended up packing 2073 lbs in total!!!

The Daily Bread was so impressed by our group and especially with Isaac! Our group leader took him for tour of the warehouse and let him take charge of scanning the boxes too. I plan to do this annually with him.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Pooh Potty

We went out potty searching today. I really wanted to get her an elmo potty but couldn't find one and didn't want to wait so we ended up getting her a Winnie the "Poo" potty. How appropriate! We got going quickly and were suprised at how much she liked this new experience....(at least until she actually had to poo which she cries but is really happy afterwards!). Anyway, here are some photos of her using the potty for the first time.

Reading a book ofcourse.

Having nonchalant conversation with Mommy to lighten the mood.

A veteran, holding the grips on the side of the potty for assistance.

She's growing up too fast!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Breakfast and Play

We decided to take the kids to McDonald's for breakfast as a treat. Afterwards they had fun in the playground. Here they are, Isaac looking a bit exhausted after taking Claire up and down the climber! Thank goodness for big brother's!

A well-deserved stop at the video games for Isaac with Claire close to his side as usual.

She'll do anything her big brother does. I love it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It`s Potty Time!

Claire pooped on the toilet tonight! I kind of stood her over the toilet and she was off to the races. Obviously I don`t have any photos for this posting but we`ll be picking up a little toilet seat over the weekend so that we can start trying this a little bit more.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Every year this get's harder and harder to stay awake!! Wow, we are getting old!

A photo rewind from last year at this time. Mommy and Claire at 4 months old.

If you recall, Claire's New Years resoultion was to give up her soother...which she ended up doing for good 2 months later!

Anyway, this year rather than watching any of the New Year's countdown shows, Claire insisted we watch Elmo's Christmas countdown AGAIN. I think we have seen this more times than I can count now. Somehow she turned into a couch potato over the holidays.

This year her New Years resolution is pretty as much Elmo as possible.

She went to bed at 8 and Anthony and I almost made it to midnight...we tried but fell asleep just before. Isaac on the other hand partied it up till 3am!